BPS Protect´s Case Study

BPS Protect GmbH is a Berlin-based full-service security company offering a range of solutions, including event security, object protection, personal protection, and ambulance services. Their expertise spans from access control and patrol services to specialized security technologies like alarm systems and video surveillance, ensuring comprehensive protection for both private and corporate clients.


The BPS Protect website had high traffic but low lead conversions. Instead of risking a full redesign, we focused on creating a dedicated landing page on a subdomain, using proven UI strategies to boost conversions. We hypothesized that this targeted approach, tested through an A/B split with CPC traffic, would improve lead generation.


Visitors weren’t converting on the original site, so we designed a new landing page optimized for conversions. With clear calls to action and a streamlined layout, the goal was to guide visitors more effectively. We split CPC traffic between the main site and the new subdomain, allowing us to directly compare performance and base decisions on actual user data.


The A/B test showed the new subdomain page outperformed the original, leading to double and even triple the monthly leads. Based on these results, we applied the most successful elements from the landing page to the main website, enhancing the overall user experience and driving more conversions for BPS Protect.

Let´s break it down


The original BPS Protect website had strong traffic but struggled to convert visitors into leads. The site’s layout and design lacked optimization for conversion, with unclear calls to action and an unstructured user journey. This made it difficult for users to engage and complete the intended actions.

Curious to see how the website looked before the redesign? Explore the original version through the Wayback Machine.

Date: 04.January.2024

Use wayback machine

The Landingpage proposal

To address the conversion challenges, we proposed creating a highly optimized landing page specifically designed to capture leads from CPC traffic. This page was built with a clean, focused layout, intuitive navigation, and proven UI elements to maximize user engagement and drive conversions. Hosting the landing page on a subdomain allowed us to safely test its effectiveness before making any changes to the main website.

Explore the Live Page

What has changed

We enhanced the hero section by darkening the image background to improve text visibility and readability. To strengthen the website's credibility, we integrated social proof elements, including a Google Review badge, testimonials, and a clear Unique Selling Proposition (USP). These updates have led to a noticeable reduction in bounce rate and a significant increase in average time spent on the site

Explore the Live Page


Our redesigned landing page led to a 200% increase in leads generated within the first month. By integrating key features such as social proof, including Google Reviews and testimonials, alongside a clear Unique Selling Proposition (USP), the page became more visually engaging and credible. With a focus on user-friendly navigation and a simplified layout, the new design successfully reduced bounce rates by 30%, increased session duration by 15%, and achieved a conversion rate uplift of 200%.

Data-driven designs,
tested to perform.

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